
X plane 11 mac
X plane 11 mac

x plane 11 mac
  1. X plane 11 mac upgrade#
  2. X plane 11 mac portable#
  3. X plane 11 mac android#
  4. X plane 11 mac software#
  5. X plane 11 mac Pc#

It was only last year I bought myself a gaming laptop (1070GTX, with 32GB or RAM) with Windows 10, and I really don't like the OS. Also, they lack any sort of support for VR.

x plane 11 mac

Apple recently released their i9 based Macbook Pros with 32GB of RAM and I'm going to order myself one of these, but certainly not for games because the graphics card is an AMD with only 4GB of RAM.

X plane 11 mac software#

This system only has a 2GB 750 with 16GB or RAM, and it can barely run XP11, but what it can do is run all the other software I use for development nicely without lag. I've used Macs exclusively for years, but they're definitely not what I would consider decent gaming machines.

X plane 11 mac upgrade#

I have a Macbook Pro from 2013 which I use for development, and when I attempted to upgrade the OS to the latest one I had bad performance issues and had to downgrade.

x plane 11 mac

X plane 11 mac android#

Thats why there are alternatives.You have the same thing with Android and Windows OS.Apple builds computers for their Operating System.Windows builds operating systems for computers.Big difference.I must use a WIndows system at work.At home its MAC.An Imac Pro.My last Mac was a MacPro 1,1.lasted 9 years.Still runs great, but has seen its best days behind her. Get a new app.oh gee it doesn't work with that OS.surprise! That's the last Apple computer I will ever buy. Sure, it's possible to solve these problems but it's obvious Apple just want us to buy the latest supposedly greatest. I replaced it with a new SSD but then there were major problems trying to get the latest OS installed. Used it for a couple years sparingly, then the hard drive died. But a few years ago I got a mac mini just for music recording purposes. My reason for upgrading was always to get better performance for my flight sims. Never had a problem except a blown power supply which was replaced economically. I have had probably 10 PC's over the years.

X plane 11 mac Pc#

PC is much-much more powerful for simulation needs on the moment. Mac Mini was updated in 2014, iMac is not updated too often. On the moment Apple seems to be focused on iPhone and iPad, ordinary computers are left aside. And it was very intresting to start X-Plane 10 and see frame count ~120. During the summer of 2016 Oculus Rift and Nvidia GTX 1080 became available, so I bite the bullet and ordered new PC with i7 processor, GTX 1080 and 32 GB RAM and Rift also. Everything was fine in cold and dark, but after switching on different systems the simulation almost frozed. In 2016 I bought Felis Tu-154m and it was first aircraft to be unsuitable for this Mac Mini. I checked the frame rate and it was less than 10 - so X-plane has slowed the simulation down to keep any framerate. GPS was estimating arrival in 5 minutes, but time went and went and still nothing. Remembering one approach to airfield with real weather. But weather had to be CAVOK all the time, other framerate falled down. It was nice system to fly with Carenado Cessna or Bonanza around default scenery. Soon upgraded system memory from 4 to 8 GB. Still remembering the magic moment with X-Plane 10 demo, taking off with default 747 from KSEA. It was mid 2011 model with 2.5 GHz processor and with 256 MB video memory. I started using X-Plane on Mac Mini on year 2012. Yes, even with the ipod/pad/phone, the parts are soldered, but that's a different animal. I do not service laptops for the same reason I don't do Macs - parts soldered to the motherboard. When they need parts, just go out and buy a part and stick it in and introduce it to the system. At age 75, I have built and maintained many computers and still troubleshoot/fix friend's computers (PCs). I have no problem updating PCs - never have.

X plane 11 mac portable#

I have the utmost respect - but in their portable devices for reasons stated above. Mac's trick is to provide their computers to schools and "sell" students that it is the best money can buy. If you need a program, you have to go to an exclusive Mac store to buy it. No upgrades to the equipment except for a few limited things is my understanding. Part of the reason is that when you buy (another reason - buying is expensive) a Mac, you are pretty much stuck with what you buy - it is a "sealed" unit. Personally, I love Mac as long as it is the iPhone or iPad.

X plane 11 mac