
Post haste achievemnet
Post haste achievemnet

post haste achievemnet

Land card Mutavault can even become a creature too!

post haste achievemnet

Watch out for shock Land Godless Shrine though. Orzhov Humans (White-Black)ĭespite being filled with Human Creature cards – as is probably obvious from the name of this particular MTG Theme Deck – the most interesting inclusions in Orzhov Humans are the unusual Land cards.Ĭaves of Koilos, Unclaimed Territoy and Concealed Courtyard all bring interesting effects and a choice of Mana to tap too. You may well need to have a good non-slip surface to take your MTG Theme Deck into battle on – so take a look at our recommendations for Magic: The Gathering Play Mats! 3. Perhaps best of all is the inclusion of two Chandra, Torch of Defiance cards – bringing Legendary Planeswalker Chandra Nalaar to your side, with lots of bonuses for you to take advantage of. Instants like Collected Company even bring some of those creatures straight onto the battlefield, allowing this MTG Theme Deck to really stomp your opponent into the ground. Lovestruck Beast, Questing Beast and Scavenging Ooze bring even more abilities – and attack power – to the table, with classic cards such as Elvish Mystic functioning as either fodder or Mana acceleration too! I’m a sucker for big creatures in MTG – and Gruul Stompy is absolutely loaded with them!Ĭreatures such as Bonecrusher Giant – which can attack and use its Stomp ability to deal further damage as an Instant – and Glorybringer, which has Flying, Haste and even a damaging Exert power, will definitely intimidate your opponent. Naturally, if you do grab yourself an MTG Theme Deck, you’ll want to make sure your cards are well looked after – so check out our best Magic: The Gathering sleeves list! 2. Given that both Arclight Phoenix and Crackling Drake rely on Instant and Sorcery cards, it’s great that this Theme Deck is absolutely loaded with them – and they’re pretty useful on their own, even without the back up of the few creatures in the deck! Given that Arclight Phoenix has Haste, this means that you can resurrect it and have it immediately attack for three points of damage!Īnother creature – Crackling Drake – draws power from the number of Instant and Sorcery cards in exile and in your Graveyard. This creature has Flying and Haste, making it an immediate threat as soon as it’s summoned – but the real kicker is that you can bring it back from your Graveyard at the beginning of your combat step as long as you’ve played three or more Instant and Sorcery spells on your turn. Our favourite card – though not necessarily the ‘best’, which of course is a matter of opinion – in the Theme Deck is Arclight Phoenix. Without a doubt the big star of the latest Pioneer Theme Decks, Izzet Phoenix packs a real punch – and it features a number of Rare and Mythical Rare cards that make this particular Theme Deck incredibly good value for money.

post haste achievemnet

So we’ve taken a look at the four most recently released Pioneer Theme Decks for this list.Ĭome with us, as we check out the best MTG Theme Decks! Pioneer decks are designed to be a bit more competitive than the usual Standard Theme Decks, with some advanced tactics often required – and provide a great base to build from.Įspecially as they all contain sideboards of 15 cards to experiment with – and tokens too! Pioneer is essentially the same as Standard, but cards remain legal in the format even when they rotate out of Tournament legal play – so it’s perfect for casual games with friends, though the decks themselves aren’t necessarily geared towards new players. There’s numerous formats of Magic: The Gathering that are currently popular, but we’ve opted to keep it simple and check out the currently available Theme Decks for the Pioneer format of the game. Though not always built for beginners, Theme Decks also provide a good way to get started for newer players with a bit of experience – and they can learn the intricacies of their deck as they continue to play. In any case, Theme Decks are a great way to get playing with a tested, pre-constructed deck that won’t necessarily win you any tournaments, but will be able to hold its own in many duels. Perhaps you want to give a new set’s mechanics or general story a look before taking the plunge with boosters (of course, when you’re ready to go further you can check out our best MTG Booster Boxes list!). Time can certainly be an issue, but sometimes you may have a strategy or even just a Mana type that your current card collection doesn’t cover as well as you’d like. There’s numerous reasons why a player may opt to pick up a Theme Deck instead of building their own deck from the pool of cards they own. No time for deckbuilding? No problem – come with us as we drop you straight into your Magic: The Gathering duel with the best MTG Theme Decks!

Post haste achievemnet